Cuckold Stories


This Cuckold Stories Post is a true story:

My Pass-Around Wife

by Keith & Hilda

I've already sent a story concerning Hilda's gang-bang, but we have had some experiences that I never would have dreamed possible. After the gang bang with Walter, we slowed down a little bit. She was a little sore, and rightly so from the fucking she received. Predictably, our sex life suffered for awhile, with occasional spurts of excitement, but that was about it. Then a couple months ago, I received a reply to an ad I had and the guy that answered was really into the sex-slave thing. We met, and the guy, Gary was his name, was very clean cut, muscular, and most of all..hung like a horse. We laughed a little as I showed him some pix we had taken, and he turned the pix this way and that, examining them carefully. What he said next almost blew me away. "I want to buy her for a week" he said, straight faced as hell, "how much for the slut for a week?"

I couldn't answer....should I deck this guy? Tell him to fuck off or what? "UH, I don't know about that, Gary, I mean, she's not a dog or an animal for sale, or a prostitute" "I'll tell you what..let's meet tomorrow night at Applebees. I can prove to you that she'll readily agree to be my slave before the night is over. She'll fell my cock under the table and she'll be so wet we'll fuck right in the parking lot."

He was so damn sure of himself, I agreed. If I were right, he would be HER slave for a week. If HE was right, she was his with no restrictions attached. I had just gambled my wife's ass!

Two nights later, we showed up for the meeting. She had no idea of the bet. She wore a dark blue, form-fitting mini skirt that showed off her shapely, stocking-clad legs perfectly. The low-cut front also showed some cleavage. Gary's eyes narrowed as he took in the sight of her as she walked toward the booth. In a shirt and tie, he caught me by surprise. He smiled broadly as he stood, and offered the seat next to him. Hilda smiled and slid into the booth, as I sat on the other side. I waited a second to watch her slide in, her skirt riding up on her legs. He slyly slid his hand to her knee and pecked her on the cheek. He smiled smugly at me as I noticed his hand move slowly toward her crotch. Her gasp, an almost inaudible one, told me Gary had hit paydirt. His fingers stroked her pussy under the table as the waitress came to take our orders. He told her the check was on him, and 3 rib-plates would do to start, as well as a shrimp cocktail for himself and the lady.

We made small talk for a few minutes, his hand moving ever so slowly under the table. Her eyes closed slightly, and she bit the corner of her lower lip as she began to get into it. I noticed her hand slide her hand to his thigh, her hand moving up slowly. She suddenly stopped as she reached his groin..his monster tool was now growing, obviously, and she looked down at the bulge in his pants. He leaned over and frenched her hard. His tongue dove into her mouth, and she greeted his invading tongue with gusto. She opened her legs slightly, and he inserted two fingers inside her soaking wet box. She closed her eyes again and moaned a little, but we had to chill out as he waitress came over with the order. While we ate, we talked about everything under the sun except the bet. Gary went on and on about how her nylons felt, and how he'd love to start at her toes and slowly work his way up. She dropped her fork and excused herself for a moment as she went to the ladies room.

He smiled at me and leaned across the table: " Hope you're not backing out, Keith, because she's so wet it's only a matter of time before we go outside. Then she's mine!" "No way, I'm not backing out," I replied "but in all fairness you have to tell her about the bet, Because I don't think she'll go for it." Just then Hilda came back, and asked what we were talking about as she slid in beside Gary, not bothering to pull her hiked-up skirt down. Gary looked at me, and started to speak when she slid something into the pocket of his suit jacket. He glanced down at her panties....she had removed them in the ladies room and stuffed them in his pocket. She had never done that before..ever. Then she leaned over and nibbled his ear. "Let's go to the car for a minute, so I can see that thing for myself..dinner can wait!"

Damn! The bastard had won! I felt some conflicting emotions as he kissed her slowly and deeply.

"Before we do,' he began," Keith and I had a bet. If you went to the car with me before dinner was through, you'd be my slave for a week. I am going to pay your husband for'll be my property for a whole week, and must do anything I ask. How do you feel about that?" She looked at me, her mouth hanging open in total amazement. She slid away from him momentarily, then slid back closer. "How much for a week?" "Well the going rate for a hooker is around $2,000.00 I believe, and since you'll now technically BE a hooker, that's what I'll pay. But you must obey me without delay or question." "And if Keith won?" she queried

"I would have been yours, totally for a week"

"Hmm," she mused, looking at me. Surely she couldn't go through with it. I mean, she'd be a prostitute for crying out loud! "Understand, Hilda," I began lamely, "If you go outside with him, you are committed. If you don't follow through after you leave, We have to pay Ten Grand to Gary, and we don't have that kind of money!"

"Ten Grand? You mean ten thousand? For me?" she was mystified. " Absolutely..I am totally serious about this, and I've never met a woman with legs quite like those, and I can't wait to see you as my slave. Now, shall we go outside for a moment?"

"What about Keith? Where will he be?"

"OH, he'll be with us..unable to interfere, but he'll drive us to wherever we decide, or I decide, to go" "And our son, Keith? Where will he..?"

'Don't worry, Hilda,"I said, "The babysitter thinks we're going away for a week. Sherri will keep him at the house. She has money, numbers to Gary's, everything. I even told him we were going on a trip maybe, and tomorrow, she's gonna take him to 6 Flags with the neighbors for 2 days. It's all set" With that, she looked at Gary, then shook her head.

"No,' she began, "I can't do this this way, I'm sorry." She looked at me and half smiled. "I'm worth at least 20 thousand. If I don't go through with everything, we pay 20 thousand. C'mon Gary, let's get a look at that thing!" Stunned, I watched her slide out and walk out with him, his hand on her ass. After a few minutes I went outside to the back parking lot. There in Gary's Crown Victoria, was Hilda's legs, sticking out the window, while Gary literally hammered her pussy with his monster cock. I heard her scream once for him to slam it home, then I turned around and went back inside.

This was gonna be a hell of a week.

I waited awhile in Applebees, then went back outside. I was just in time to see them getting out of Gary's car, and she made no attempt to pull her skirt down once again as she stood up. A pick-up truck turned the corner and the driver whistled at her, causing her to turn in his direction. Gary told her something and she then lifted her skirt, exposing her stocking tops and thighs to him as well as her exposed cunt. He hit the brakes as she headed in his direction, and walked to the driver's door. They talked for a moment before the pick-up pulled in beside a dumpster and she walked over and got in. I saw her head immediately go down to his lap, his hand behind her head. Gary walked over to me and said we'd go inside and have a drink while she sucked him off. "Oh, by the way, I told her to charge 5 bucks for the head." he added very nonchalantly. I stood there for a second, still unable to believe my sexy ass wife was becoming a hooker for Gary! Still, it excited me to no end, as I watched the guy in the pick-up lean his head back as she sucked him off.

A little while later, she came in, her skirt riding very high on her legs now, and sat down at the bar. The gentleman beside her moved closer and bought her a drink, as she wiped some lipstick off the corner of her mouth and thanked him. She smiled at him as we watched, entranced by her actions. Then, predictably, his hand went to her thigh, then higher up her thigh. She only opened her legs, allowing him access to her pussy. Her fingered her for awhile until Gary walked over and introduced himself and sat down. The man looked at Hilda first as Gary said something to him, then back at Gary. I had an idea what was up, but it still caught me by surprise when Gary kissed Hilda, then stood up as Hilda and the other guy rose as well. They left together, and when I went to follow, Gary stopped me. "Not this time, Keith. She's working now. They're going to a hotel for the evening, and whatever else he has in mind. She'll be paid well" "Are you nuts? She doesn't even know him!" I protested. "How do you know.." Gary raised his hand and cut me off.

"Look, she raised the stakes, and now she's mine! I do the worrying, not you. If I tell her to fuck this entire bar for free she will. And besides, when I fucked her, she couldn't get enough. She was begging me to leave it in. I have her now, and I intend to exploit it. When we get to Birmingham, wait till you see our sexy little slut make an amateur porno video! " I couldn't believe it! Another fantasy cum true!

"For real? A honest to God porno video?"

Gary leaned closer. "You got it! AND I'm sending it off to a production company in California! They'll pay some bucks for it, and what if she had a chance to star in some REAL flicks with some REAL porn studs?" I couldn't speak. The rest of the evening, my mind raced with thoughts of Hilda. What was going on? Around 11:00, my questions were answered. The phone rang, and it was Hilda, from the hotel. Rock music blared in the background, and I heard other voices. "Honey, I'm gonna leave the phone here on the bed, listen to this!"

I heard some noises, then I heard her grunt once or twice and inhale deeply. I knew the sausage was going in, then I heard another familiar noise...she was sucking another cock as well. I heard Gary's voice tell someone to go ahead and put it in her ass too, Hilda quickly said "please fuck my ass too! I want all three of you at once!" Evidently "AssMan" needed no further provocation..she grunted loudly as he roughly forced it in.. "please, easy!' she began. "not so..mmmphh!" a cock cut her off. I heard a bunch of huffing as they really pounded her pussy, ass, and mouth. For an eternity I listened as they pounded away. I jacked my cock furiously as she took them all on, then I heard the older guy say "When you guys are done, let me have her for awhile" Gary laughed. "Sure Pops, be our guest. After all, it's your money!" A few minutes later, after I'd cum in my hand, the three guys banging Hilad all came. I heard the one say to other how he must have cum a gallon, "and the bitch swallowed it all". Hilda told the guy in her pussy to cum in her mouth, but he said no, he was going to fill her cunt up with cum, then she was going to lick him clean. She began to groan as he pounded faster, the guy in her ass matching stroke for stroke. When AssMan came, he shot all over her face, and I heard them cheering 'Yeah! Yeah Man! Al over the bitch's face! Yeah! Hoo Hoo!"

She then cleaned the cum from her face and licked it off her fingers, swallowing it all when the dude in her cunt came. He rammed her so hard she lost her breath momentarily, and he yelled out loud, 'Oh yeah Bitch! squeeze my dick! Milk it baby!" I knew her twat could milk him dry, and she did. He then placed his cum-covered dick in her face and told her to clean it off, which she did. I hung up, hard as hell again and jacked-off till I came again. Then, exhausted, I fell asleep on the couch. The next morning, Gary picked me up at home in his Crown Victoria, but no Hilda.

"Where's Hilda?"

He frowned, then replied. "I told you, she's my property now! You made the deal, go along with it. Or else, stay your ass at home! But don't interfere with us! For your information, she's getting ready. A slut should look like one, and she's gonna look so much like a slut you won't recognize her. Just relax and enjoy."

So, reluctantly, I did. And sure enough, when we picked her up, I DIDN'T recognize her! The red, skin-tight mini, black stockings, heels and practically non-existent top made her look like a definite whore. Her hair was permed out, kind of an animal look, and the make-up and lipstick completed the package. She didn't even acknowledge my presence when she got in, and immediately kissed Gary long and hard.

"Ok, bitch, that's enough!' he commanded, "now get down here and suck me off." She never said a word as he unzipped his slacks and went to work. For the entire drive from Huntsville, she either sucked his massive cock, or flashed other cars. She even screwed a trucker in a rest stop for 50 dollars. I could only shake my head in amazement. The next couple of days were pretty much the same, with Hilda servicing guys at Gary's bidding. She went to an X-rated theater and sat there alone in the red outfit, 'til some patrons came over and sat down. We watched her suck and jack-off the guys one at a time till she had serviced them all. When she went outside the theater, she entered the movie store, the kind with the booths in the back. Three of the movie patrons were there, and they literally bum-rushed her into the back area. One was kissing her and fondling her as he pushed her into an empty booth and she fucked some guys there in the back. Gary seemed to get a perverse pleasure from her being forced, but I had to admit it turned me on as well! As the week wore on, Gary continually bragged on Hilda's prowess with her mouth and pussy. She was sitting in front of a mirror, combing out her hair to give her hair that "wild" look. This time the outfit was violet in color: a short and I mean SHORT mini-skirt, a LOW cut top, with violet-colored nylon mesh covering the breast area. Her size 36 tits were displayed so well I had to softly whistle at the transformation. She bent over to adjust her stockings, and the smoky colored nylon made her legs look awesome. With lipstick applied, she walked right by me as though I wasn't there. She had totally ignored me all week since the first day in Birmingham. She nestled up to Gary, who obviously delighted in his power over her, and I secretly feared she may be falling in love with him. I brushed those thoughts aside as we walked to the car. Gary waited for Hilda to slide in, then got in and closed the door. As the driver, I could watch them in the mirror. She looked at me and commanded, "driver, take us to the South side please? And hurry, I'm very horny."

Weird! The way she acted, was as if she didn't know me! And the Southside of Birmingham? Nothing there at all, except decrepit buildings. About an hour later we were there. Hilda, looking like a .25 cent whore, was kissing Gary very passionately when I stopped near some empty store buildings. An occasional car passed, but cops were nowhere to be found. I was a little nervous, but Gary said all was under control, not to worry. He turned to Hilda, stroking her breast through the nylon material. She closed her eyes as her stroked her pussy, bringing her close to an orgasm. "Ok Bitch," he began, " this is the big test. Are you ready?" I turned in the seat as he instructed her. She gazed into his eyes, breathing heavily. I could tell she was nervous, but she nodded her head. "Good,' he replied softly, almost lovingly. " I have a video camera, and you are about to give the performance of your life. You are gong to walk down this street, turn left at the second alley, and walk. I guess you won't get far, dressed like that. You're cock-bait now, and I'm sure you'll be raped before you even get to the alleyway, in this part of town. You will not resist anyone who stops you, no matter how dirty they may seem to you. You will probably be gang-raped, and over. I can assure you, you will not forget this day, ever. And remember, no resistance, no matter how afraid you are. Now, go Bitch! Flaunt that ass and pussy you little whore." She breathed deeply, hesitating momentarily. Would she go through with it? She slowly smiled at him , opening her legs for him as he fingered her to climax. She kissed him lustily, fixed her lipstick, the softly told him, " Just be there if something goes wrong, ok? I'll fuck any one you say, but be there for me lover."

He suddenly grabbed her hair, forcing her head back and bit at her throat, growling at her; "Bitch, don't tell me what to do! You're the cock-bait here! Now get your whore ass out and fuck!"

She winked at me, then Gary as she got out and closed the door. Gary got out, and opened the trunk. He retrieved a Video-camera and we both followed from a discreet distance to some other buildings on the other side of the street. She paused to adjust her stockings and we entered a building from where we had a perfect vantage point; no obstructions, just a couple of tough looking black men at a corner. They never noticed us, but when Hilda turned the corner, she was noticed immediately. From the hurriedly arranged tripod mount, Gary said "here we go! Stand-by for fast and furious fucking!" he almost laughed like a child with a new toy as they approached her. She was scared. The one guy that had followed her around the corner kept pulling her closer to him. She resisted a little until the other 2 blacks arrived. We couldn't hear much, but made out snatches of the conversation. #1 looked around nervously, as #2 and 3 closed in. She simply stood there, shrugging her shoulders, trying to look calm. She forced a smile as #1 slid his hand up her skirt to her ass. She jumped a little, but didn't make him stop. This emboldened the other two. Number 2, the largest of the three men, grabbed her tits and squeezed them hard while #3 began to lift her skirt. "Shit Man!' he yelled, "whore ain't got no panties on! Just bare-ass pussy!" he cackled. Number One began to lick her neck as they circled her, feeling her all over. She was closing her eyes, her neck tilted back as # 1 kissed and sucked her throat.

Then, without warning, #2 lifted her over his shoulder and the three men ran to the alleyway. As they rounded the corner, a few more men appeared. A whole gang! Even Gary was getting nervous, but he only adjusted the vid-cam and kept filming. When they reached the alleyway, the others pulled an old mattress down and #2 tossed her onto the mattress roughly, her legs splayed openly. The fourth guy dove in quickly, forcing her back as his dick was forced in roughly. I heard her scream, but one of them covered her mouth. All four of them fucked her quickly, then as she stood to her feet, one of them pointed down the alley.

Number 2 laughed and grabbed her, while 3 grabbed her legs. Number2 grabbed her arms and they began to carry her down the alley. She yelled one time , then they disappeared from sight.

"C'mon, Keith!" Gary said as we hurriedly dismounted the vid-cam. We ran across the street and peeked around the corner cautiously. There they were! Going into an old store! We followed discretely, but never lost sight of them until the door closed. We entered through another door and after 20 minutes we found them...all 20 or 30 of them! She was sitting in the lap of #2, while he auctioned her off to the others! The winner swaggered over to Hilda and she dropped to her knees, ready to take his cock into her mouth. She unzipped his jeans, and began to suck him, her head bobbing up and down, helped by his hand. She was on her knees, in the middle of a bunch of sex-starved males, and about to get gang-raped. The 'winner' grabbed her head and held it tight, her mouth against his balls. She almost gagged as he came into her throat. His cock was so far into her mouth, it went directly down her throat! He ground his cock into her face as she struggled to break away, but he held tight. The he pulled it out, covered in cum, and ordered her to lick it off. She licked the semen onto her tongue and made a display of slurping it into her mouth and swallowing it. As 'winner' zipped his pants, they all applauded, while #2 sat down close to her, stroking her legs, forcing them wider apart as the others looked at #2 for orders. He gave them. "Alright Bros, let's show cock-bait here what happens to white-whore bitches around here!"

The entire group moved as one: suddenly her legs were up in the air, a man in between them ramming the hell out of her pussy. Her legs shook, the effect of her calves, encased in nylon, rippling from the force of the assault, was totally erotic. Gary whispered to me he knew #2. The guys were friends of his, but Hilda had to believe they were strangers. He did tell them to abuse her as they wished, however, and to make sure she couldn't walk after. Then I saw them flip her over, her ass briefly visible before one tore into it with reckless abandon. Hilda was getting the fucking of her life; a cock in her mouth, one in her pussy, one in her ass, and one in each hand. For over four hours we watched...running out of film way too quickly. When one finished, another took his place. She was never without a cock in at least one hole for four hours. She swallowed cum. She licked cocks clean. She moaned as guy after guy came in her ass. Cum splattered her face and ass cheeks, but she didn't quit. When one came in her mouth, she grabbed for another. "Whoooee!" #2 yelled, "this whore loves a black dick!" They all laughed at poor Hilda, naked except for her nylon stockings and garter belt...her red outfit had been ripped from her, literally. After they had all had her twice, 3 guys had 3 turns each, she fell back onto another old mattress.

Exhausted, she couldn't even close her legs. Her bare tits heaved from deep breaths as she tried to regain control. Then from out of nowhere, an old man came in, an obvious street dweller. By Gary's look, I knew this wasn't planned but we stayed put. The old man eyed her carefully, as he got closer. His slow shuffling steps told me he was a fairly old guy, but still horny, because he looked at #3 and he nodded his Ok. Hilda'a head rolled to the side as he mounted her, grunting from his thrusts. He quickly came, and his homeless friends took his place. She lay there motionless as the other five men all fucked her until they were finished. Then they all left except for #'s 2 and 3. They carried her outside, naked and left her there, per Gary's orders. While we ran back to the car to bring it around, another man had found her and was humping away when we pulled up. He saw Gary and grinned. "Hey Mister Gary! Sure enough, like you said, this bitch is some fine pussy!" We gathered her up into the car, passed out from exhaustion. When she awoke, she was in a nice hot bath, as we bathed her completely. Gary assured me the guys were clean. He'd checked them out before hand, but let her think they were strangers. I got in the tub with her, and held her close, her eyes closing as I kissed her. We made love in the tub until the water turned cold, and we returned home the next day. Hilda also got a surprise...she had made over $5,000.00 ! Gary laughed as he kissed her goodbye. She told him, "When are you coming back? I didn't get enough of that monster cock!" "I don't know, Hilda, but for our next bet, I get you for a month, out of the country! Alone, just you and me!" He kissed her as he backed out of the driveway. The as we walked into the house, Hilda looked at me and said; Make damn sure you LOSE that next bet!" I could only grin as I followed her inside and closed the door to the bedroom.

**These stories are actual events...if you are interested in Hilda, email at ***you won't regret it! let me know what you have in mind for her!****************




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