Crazy Wife - 6

Two Girls Doing a Dare


So crazy wife met her match last night! Hubby and I went to a concert with another couple, a guy we know well and his new girlfriend. We've met her a couple of times, and knew she was fun, but not as crazy as me! Hubby had shared with them that we have posted on this site and what a turn on it has been to recieve all of your comments. So after a few drinks as we are heading out to the parking lot, girlfriend suggests that we fulfill one of the dares submitted about posing on a car. We chose some random car and pulled up our skirts, of course the panties got tossed sometime before that. :) Then the ride home got really exciting! Girlfriend was ready to take some pics and was more than willing to pose for hubby with the camera. Poor boyfriend was trying to do his best driving while watching both of us pose. Then boyfriend decides he can no longer drive and pulled over to some remote wharehouse area. We proceeded to take more naughty pics,and then boyfriend told girlfriend to show her flexibility. Wow was that amazing! So then I tried to match that, and was pretty successful I must say! Cowboy boots and all! After quite a few different poses, we hear a man (30ish) yell that we need to move along. Really? Who would not watch and enjoy the scenerey? Weirdo! So we were forced to end the photo shoot outside and proceed in the car. Things heated up in the car when girlfriend reached from the front seat to where I was sitting and grabbed my tits while I was posing for hubby. That was nice! We were so hot and heavy and ready to rip each other's clothes off by the time we got home. We asked girlfriend if she would mind if we posted pics with her in it. She said, "Hell yea I might even post myself if we get some good responses! I'm sure that will be the case, she's got a hot little body! So here are the photos! Hope you all enjoy as much as we have looking over them the next day!

Ta Ta for now!

jt1531 @









Fuck my Wife!

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