Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Kryssy's Pierced Nipples
Hello,The girl in the picture is my very close friend, Kryssy. This all started when one day she told me that her best friend had come across this site and told her that she should do something and post it on the site. When she first told me this I could not believe what I was hearing because she has a reputation of being ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE CHAT WITH NAKED COUPLES
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:00 AM 
24 'Show Your Tits' Pics
Hi all, This is sort of a part two to the last set of pics on the boob flashing page. Seeing all of these pictures is encouraging. It kinda makes you wonder how come you don't see these girls too often? Timing, just ... SEE ALL THE TITS PICS HERE. VERY KINKY WOMEN
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:58 AM 
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
22 Boob Flashing Pictures
Hi all, Again I have some more pictures from my archives that I have put together here. This time the theme is boob flashing, something that fits in nicely with the theme of the site. I hope you all enjoy them and for the girls, I hope it gives you a bit of inspiration to have some naughty fun. - WebmasterSEE ALL THE PICS HERE. WHAT PEOPLE DO FOR MONEY - FREE SAMPLE VIDEO
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:02 AM 
Elly Send in her Pic for the Dare Challenge
 Sexy Elly wanted to be a part of the site and sent us her bottomless picture for the dare challenge. SEE FULL PICTURE HERE. SEE ALL GIRLS HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:53 AM 
My Hot Girlfriend
Hello,This is a pic of my girlfriend who isn't very open to being nude in public. The most I have gotten her to do is go through the drive thru at McDs wearing no shirt and bra. I have been trying to ... READ THE REST HERE. LESBIAN TRUTH OR DARE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:49 AM 
Monday, February 26, 2007
Erotic Massage on Vacation
My wife Lynn and I both love your site and have a picture of her from our honeymoon. While there I had dared her to get an erotic massage (they were being offered if you knew how to ask, to both men and women).We were at the Ixtabi Beach Club in Negril. Nudity was allowed ... READ THE REST HERE. SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:01 AM 
Hiking Sex
This was a fantasy of ours that came true. My little wife has large sized tits on a shapely body. I found the idea of another man seeing and enjoying her erotic.She on the other hand was guarded, modest, with very limited sexual history. Always a good girl.During "pillow talk" with probing fun questions, she confessed to having ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH BRANDI ON THE BUS
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:27 AM 
Same Room Sex
Hi Webmaster,We have a great story for your couples section. My Girlfreind and I went camping with a group last summer. We shared a tent with another couple, at first we were all a little shy. What will the other couple think if we start screwing? So we just necked and p ... READ THE REST HERE. CASH FOR ASS ??
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:56 AM 
Friday, February 23, 2007
Public Dare
Ok, here is my submission: I love public masterbation but I have only masterbated once at work. I guess I mainly have the fantasy of it but have done it once. I just had the sudden urge to touch myself so I went into the ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH TRUTH OR DARE GIRLS PLAY NUDE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:41 AM 
Karen's Debut
Several summers ago my wife and I were camping with friends and someone suggested that we all go skinny dipping. Several people, including my wife, said “great idea” and no one expressed any doubts or objections. However, when we started walking out of camp the other four wives/GF didn’t move. When asked what was going on the girls ... READ THE REST HERE. READ KAREN'S OTHER STORIES HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:25 AM 
Strip Naked
I'm a girl that LOVEs to play Truth or Dare. While at a friends club house, I had to Strip Naked but have another guy do it to me. As you can see his hand at this moment is pulling down my panties. He actually ... READ THE REST HERE. GET FREE VIDEO CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:20 AM 
Thursday, February 22, 2007
LeeAnn's Dare
My name is Leeann ******** and I am 21. I was a little drunk and a friend dared me to strip. I decided this ... READ THE REST HERE. HOT SWINGER PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:38 AM 
I will tell you my story. It started on the internet and began after I failed to show up for my 10th high school reunion. I got an email from a guy I had grown up with asking me why I had been a no show. I had at the time no intentions of getting involved with anyone. He and I wrote little bits of stuff back and ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE CELEB VIDS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:26 AM 
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Topless for Superbowl
Hi There,Here is my submission:My husband NEVER remembers to get milk for the baby on his way home from work when I ask him. This results in me having to go out and get it since he's ... READ THE REST HERE. BRANDI BELLE on the BUS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:22 AM 
My Spanking Dare
Hello truthordare(pics),We have a dare for your site. I was on vacation with my husband and our friends (another couple) and to make a long story short we ended up talking about sex and what we have done on vacations previously ... READ THE REST HERE. HOT DARE VIDEOS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:19 AM 
Joanna's Dare - Lost Bet
My name is Joanna. My friend and I were discussing sex in public places and how hot the thought of it made him. After talking about “things” for a while and getting hotter by the minute, I bet him that ... READ THE REST HERE. DAWNS PLACE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:15 AM 
Monday, February 19, 2007
Driving Nude
Hi.We hope you you get to put this picture of my wife up on your site. We live near a large lake that has a beautiful deck built overlooking the damn and the spillway area. In the middle of the week we will go down and my wife (she has a beautiful body) will undress in the car and ... READ THE REST HERE. WHAT PEOPLE DO FOR MONEY!! - ADULT
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:42 AM 
More From Debbie
 Remember DEBBIE? Went on vacation and thought of you! Family vaca sooo not too much "daring" going on but I did sit on the bed with no panties on while ... SEE ALL DEBBIE'S PICS HERE. FREE VIDEO CHAT PASSES
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:37 AM 
College Confession
Hi Webmaster.When I was still in college a few years back I did something very naughty that nobody knows about. I'm sorry I can't show my face in the pic I have submitted but I want to both confess this and not have anybody identify me. What happened was my ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE ADULT SUBSCRIPTION
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:34 AM 
My Hot Dare
Hey all you readers of truthordarepics, thought maybe some of you would like to enjoy reading about our experience last night.My fiancee and I are 27 and about 2 years ago she suprised both of us by walking around topless while we were camping for the weekend. but that's where the fun ended. We have ... READ THE REST HERE. BAD ASS CHICKS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:30 AM 
Friday, February 16, 2007
My Mooning Dare
Hi Dare Webmaster,After seeing your site my husband has been trying endlessly for me to do some kind of dare. I am a shy person but do have my wild side 'at times' but not as much as before when I was in school. Well, I broke down during a moment of weakness and agreed to ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH TRUTH OR DARE LIVE GAMESGame #8Game #9
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:34 AM 
Library Dare
My current boyfriend asked me about my sexual past and he wanted to know if I ever had any girl-girl experiences. Anyway, my answer to the question is YES! I have experimented in a very ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH DAWN UNDRESS IN PUBLIC
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:22 AM 
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Naked Mail Run
My english is not good but my wife is here in photo outside to check for our post. She likes having nudity outside and sometimes people see and sometimes no.FREE NUDE VIDEOS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:54 AM 
Sex in Public
Hi Webmaster,Great site!!We just came across it last night and spent nearly an hour reading through some of the dare stories before jumping into bed ourselves. Thanks for the forplay! LOL ...We wanted to give you this picture of us. It is our most ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH COUPLES HAVE SEX LIVE
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:50 AM 
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Naked in the Car
Hi,My husband thought that this picture would be just perfect for your site. Although I wasn't dared to be like that it still was daring for me. We came back from a wedding and as I drank quite a bit (an understatement) I decided to tease John while ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:38 PM 
Alexis Answers Your Requests
 Well since I am getting so much positive feedback about my pics I have gotten up a little more nerve I think these are my best pics yet . I am getting a little more comfortable each time I post so I was able to show a little more skin . thanks for the feedback I really like it and it makes it easier ... SEE ALL HER PICS HERE. BIKINI AUDITION
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:31 PM 
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Self Pic
Hi Webmaster,My name is Jessica and I just wanted to say "hi" and tell you how much I love your site. I often email my friends and dare them to do some of what they see but for the most part we are a bit chicken. This dare is all I could muster for now. Thanks! - JessicaSEE FULL PICTURE HERE. DARE GIRLS - Page 3
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:37 AM 
My husband has been nagging me for the last few months about our sex life. About how I am not as spontaneous anymore and adventurous etc. So I decided to surprise him one day when he came back from work. So, it was 6:30 and I knew he'd be home any minute now. I took off all my clothes and waited by the door ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH THIS CLIP
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:46 AM 
For My Husband to Read at Work
Sleeping with 2 guys? I've had this happen to me a few times. 2 of them were threesomes, both guys came in me while having sex 1 after the other. The third time was with my husband, but when we first started dating. I had gone to visit a friend while my husband (Boyfriend at the time) was at work. It was a guy I had hung out with before, but ... READ THE REST HERE. BRANDI on the BUS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:40 AM 
Monday, February 12, 2007
Birthday Dare
My girlfriend agreed to do a dare of my choice as a birthday present which couldn't make me happier. She came over to my house this past Saturday morning and with a big smile and big kiss said, "happy birthday" and gave me a card. I opened it and it said alot of very romantic things etc. and then ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH THE LATEST DARE VIDEOS!
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:07 AM 
Sexy Wife
My wife and I visit your site whenever we feel like getting a few thrills. It's like free porn for us! Thanks!! The dare that we experienced would be perfect for your site:A few years back we went to Hampton Beach for a couple of days in August. The weather was perfect, hot and sunny and stayed very warm in the evening also. My wife had been wearing some cute overalls without a bra or shirt under which showed the whole side of her boobs, and if she turned a little you ... READ THE REST HERE. SEE NUDE COUPLES
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:05 AM 
Nude Tanning
Me and my husband consider ourselves to be huge exhibitionists. We have sex anywhere we find that happens to be secluded. But our favourite activity is to go to the nearby like where many people are tanning, swimming and we would find a nice spot for nude tanning slighty further down the beach area. We go alone and sometimes ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE ONLINE MAG
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:03 AM 
Wife Pic
This is a pic of my wife just after her shower..She let me take it so I could see what I'am missing while on the road. - RasmoDAWNS PLACE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:00 AM 
Friday, February 09, 2007
Last Installment of Orgasm Girls
Hi all, Last installment of the orgasm pics series. I saved the best for last as not only do these pics have girls enjoying an orgasm but the pic includes them receiving it from another girl! What could be hotter? - WebmasterSEE ALL THE PICS HERE. SEE THE REAL THING FREE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:10 AM 
Emily Completes the Dare Challenge!
Hi! I’m Emily and I am one of the first girls who 'was' and is (sort of) Mennonite to be online and actively showing my tits and my body. In case you don't know we are a small ... SEE FULL PIC HERE. THE FAMOUS BUS BJ
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:57 AM 
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Redhead Sandra
Hi Webmaster, I don't see many redheads on your site and thought that it could use a bit of 'color' LOL. Here is my dare picture...I hope you all like it! . - SandraSEE HER FULL PIC HERE. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:49 AM 
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
23 Uploaded Orgasm Pics - III
Hi all, This is yet another installment featuring pics of women having orgams. This series features women using dildos with a few self pleasuring and a few with thier partners giving a helping hand. - WebmasterSEE ALL THE PICS HERE. MEET SEX HUNGRY PEOPLE
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:40 AM 
Our Nude Vacation
Hi Webmaster,We both enjoy your site and wanted to submit our nude vacation picture. We took this vacation on the premis that we would stay nude the entire time and we did! It was a fond memory and one we'd like to share... READ THE REST HERE. CHAT WITH NAKED COUPLES
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:51 AM 
Car Dare
Hi Webmaster, My husband recently gave me a dare to ride in the backseat of our car with my breasts exposed. I was to stay that way no matter who saw me or how long the drive took. I told him if he came to a poetry reading with me one night (which he really really didn't want to do) that I would do something 'naughty' in return. Taking ... READ THE REST HERE. HOW TO GET GIRLS NAKED
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:49 AM 
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
My Nude Self Picture
Here is my nude self picture for your website. I love reading the stories on your site before I go to bed as it helps me fantasize and fall asleep. Especially if I've had a rough day at work. This is my way of ... READ THE REST HERE. HOT CAM SESSIONS FREE!
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:36 AM 
Sleeping Naked
Here is a picture of my friend trying to take my boob out with my other one taking the picture. They've been bugging me to get a boyfriend since I've been single for awhile now. I don't mind being single though. They say they want a sexy ... READ THE REST HERE. ALT GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:33 AM 
Hi Everyone,Just a few quick things:1- The RATE page will no longer be functional. There were alot of site problems this past week due to the script on that page and it caused a shitload of problems. read more here...2- The site was down for a couple of days because of the above but also because many other websites 'hotlinked' the images from this one. That means that other sites linked to the images on this site, letting host them and pay for them while they displayed and had taken credit for them. This caused massive amount of server quieries and also contributed to making it slow. It also resulted in a big bill$ to me! If you'd like to help, read the details on the rate page.3- The truth or dare (darering) games can no longer be purchased individually but only as a group. The credit card processing company's rules. In response to this the site owner has decided to tape alot more games so that each week or two you will see a brand new one. For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to check this out. These videos are the best on the net and gaining in popularity. I mean, who doesn't want to watch people play truth or dare?Thanks and Keep sending me your Dare Pictures!-Webmaster
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:15 AM 
Monday, February 05, 2007
Game #8 is now Ready!!!!!!
Hi Everyone,
Game number 8 of the darering series is now ready. For those of you who do not know, these games involve college students responding to an ad in the local shopper asking for players willing to play truth or dare. The result is REAL people having fun playing the adult version. This episode has the girls ending up in a girl-on-girl orgy at the end!!!
I have also been told that game number 9 will be out next week and it has a few hotties in it too!! Games should be coming out regularly now.
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:12 AM 
Being Outside Nude ...
Hi Webmaster, My husband and I both love your site and wanted to tell you about our fun. We made love in public places a few times. Once in our car at a train station, hot. Another few times at an RV dealership in and out of the RV's, that was hot! But just recently we were at a picnic area which is really more of a park in that it is used by ... READ THE REST HERE. HOT SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:42 AM 
My Fantasy
My Fantasy - I would be in a hotel room with a guy ... he would sit me on the bed and pull my arms behind my back place handcuffs on my wrists...i would start to protest but he would silence me with a look.....I wouldn't have objected hard anyway tho....he would wrap a blindfold around my eyes ... READ THE REST HERE. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:30 AM 
Lost Bet
I lost a bet, and, well, here I am!
Thanks for the picture Daniel. In the future, I would prefer more text/story to go along with the dare but nice pic anyway. -WebmasterFREE PORN PASSES
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:27 AM 
Thursday, February 01, 2007
More Orgams Pics!
Hi all, After putting up the first set of orgams pics I received a flood of emails from readers sending in some of thier own that they took or just some from thier collections. Thanks to all who submitted them for the rest of us to enjoy. - Webmaster SEE ALL THE ORGASM PICTURES HERE. WATCH GIRLS GET FRISKY ONLINE
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:21 AM 
M & J send in thier Dare Pic
We are long-time readers who are submitting a dare picture of the both of us for your site and our most daring story that we did along with it.This happened not too long ago. My girlfriend and I would always go to watch movies at the theatre. Being that it was always cold, she always brought a sweater with her. She would just drape the sweater over her, not actually put it on and I would always put my arm around her shoulder ...READ THE REST HERE. REMEMBER THIS COUPLE?
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:57 AM 
